I made a grey space alien award plaque, its a kind of a mix between the animal head trophies and the salesperson of the year award. We had these left over bases for speaker stands that were about 18 years old, and they were about to be thrown out, and I said No! I can make art from these.

I designed the grey alien head from some old 3d models I had, it was a ton of effort to make that print ready but totally worth it. Printed it on the Tevo Tornado in blue PLA, but the color doesn’t matter because I hit it with spray paint (gold, of course) and also the nameplates were 3d printed and painted the same way.

I used a two-part resin mix, equal by volume and nice silicone measuring cup so I had less mess and clean up. I used alcohol inks, applied the resin and coloring and used the resin as an adhesive for the 3d pieces.

Overall, this was a fun project! This five and a half minute video doesn’t show the time for modeling the parts and printing, that happened off camera and the printing took about 12 hours total for both alien heads.

ModShapes is about product design and making things. We started out making bespoke stands for vapes. Today we do resin artwork, 3d modeling, and more.

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Vibe With Me

Beach Dayz

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