I needed to make a Digital Dial Indicator Mount for the Tevo Tornado in Fusion 360. I found a wonderful file on Thingiverse that almost worked. I redesigned/ remixed it by building it in Fusion 360. Then I provided this file to the community at Thingiverse as a remixed item.

I acquired a dial indicator from Bangood, so I needed to change the original model to allow for a thicker diameter fitting. I am providing a file you can bring into fusion360 and edit in case you need a different diameter. I am also including the dot stl for printing straight away if you do not have fusion 360. These files are in Thingiverse, and the link is below.

If you are not into fustion360 yet, wow! I hope this video provides some insight into the powerful precision features it provides.

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Second Sighting, Diamond Dreams, Feeling Fine, Down Deep, Layin Lazy, Side Strut

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Get this thing from the verse and feel free to remix this remix. Let’s let the drive for the creation of something new bring us to amazing places! https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2868352

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