I needed a rack for my alcohol inks and the glitter and pearl pigments I have in the craft area where I work on resin pieces. So I designed one, printed the parts, and bought the aluminum rods from Home Depot.

ModShapes is about product design and making things. We started out making bespoke stands for vapes. Today we do resin artwork, 3d modeling, and more.


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New videos come out as time and quality allow! Thank you for watching…

Music: “Hurry!” by Birocratic (http://www.birocratic.com)
The songs used in this video were licensed via Birocratic License
v05.2016. For info on how you can use this music in your project,
check out http://www.birocratic.com/license-app.
To download Birocratic’s 60+ song discography, visit http://

Peace and Love are Free. Please like, share and subscribe!

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#1 Have you shared the video?
#2 Please Subscribe!!
#3 Buy a cool ModShapes shirt here: http://modshapes.com/swagger-shirts
#4 Grab your copy this book: http://viscombook.com

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/modshapes/
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