Today on Modshapes we ask… Can you print a watertight model from this eFlex Filament? Those of you who saw the previous video know that the first attempt at printing a mold with flexible filament failed.

Because it wasn’t watertight…

Can we make a water-tight print with this filament? Simplify 3d has powerful features… Simplify 3d changes: turn off retraction, turn off coasting, bump up the parameters and slow it down!

A smaller test model was created and printed with these settings in about 2 hours.

First, we determined the fluid capacity of this little mold – then left the water in the mold for about 40 minutes to see if it leaked. It didn’t!

Using vaseline as the mold release, we mixed up a small amount of the resin, which cures fast in about 12 minutes or so. Removal was a little weird, next time I would coat the top of the mold more to prevent sticking.

This isn’t perfect by any means, but I can see where it would have its uses.

We tried A simpler geometry, something with no overhangs…

The vaseline is very slippery! Use caution with it if you are using sharp utensils with it.

Removal of cast resin from this was impractical. The material does not flex enough and needed to be cut away to remove the item from the mold.

The answer is yes, you can make water tight prints. With the right mold release, you can pour resin into them with good results.

ModShapes is about product design and making things. We started out making bespoke stands for vapes. Today we do resin artwork, 3d modeling, and more.

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Music is from my Audio Hero account via Tube Buddy
Jazz Club

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