who is modshapes?

Artist.  Writer.  Dreamer. Software engineer. Maker.

Robin L. OShell (Aka Alex Steele) started Modshapes with the goal of having a place to be creative and make vape mod stands.  Today its so much more than that.


Hands On


Motion Graphics

3d Modeling


Video Editing

Music Curation

Product Concept Design


My Book is Available

I am a dreamer of dreams, and a writer of things. My first book which is available through LULU is called ‘The Principles of Visual Communication: A Comprehensive Guide’ and its based on my 20+ years of experience as a designer, and a developer.

I am driven
to Create.

Its part of my genetics. Music, videos, graphics, and code. It all blends together to create a story, and my story is that I long for the creation of something new. I am exploring the DIY world, one project at a time. Each video itself is my final project, in this way I construct an experience that can be shared visually and aurally.

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