This is a lot of fun and more of a creative project than an engineering one 🙂 Beautiful and functional, its a nice bit of design for a real need I have. My coffee table color matches the Apple TV remote and the remotes get lost on the table.

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Quick bullet points: – Grabbed the shape of the remote from this – opened in 3d modeling powerhouse – Fusion 360, took the side of the shape, extended it into a mock apple remote, and then exported the .stl via the ‘print’ method and saved the .stl to a local hard drive. Then converted that .stl to a .obj file via mesh mixer – converted the .stl to .obj via mesh mixer

Opened the apple form in Hexagon, and then imported the shape of the remote. Recreated the shape of the remote inside hexagon with a little more room for tolerance and cleaner lines. Sized the apple up to match visually, then positioned the remotes on the apple shape with overlaps in the geometry. Boolean each remote shape out of the apple to create the cavities for the remotes to fit in.

Exported the result as .obj, opened in mesh mixer – made the object solid and then ran the repair in inspector on it. Also, use the smooth deform until I was visually happy with the results.

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