We’re working on a project that requires some panels, something similar to stain glass so light can come through, so both colorful and transparent.

In the past, we’ve made some resin panels that worked ok, however, this time consistent top and side sizes are important.

I created these patterns in Fusion 360 to the exact size requirements and then printed them out in a natural PLA with a bit of a transparent look. I taped the back of the print with
packing tape, wearing gloves so no fingerprints get on the sticky side of the tape. I mixed a 1 to 1 ratio of resin, added alcohol inks, and let cure for 12 hours before removing the tape.

These will have to cure for at least 3 more days before we can move on to the next step…

ModShapes is about product design and making things. We started out making bespoke stands for vapes. Today we do resin artwork, 3d modeling, and more. Our videos are

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